How To Be An Indian Wedding Photographer

By Susan Wallace

Being a photographer of a culture which you are not familiar with can be challenging. However, when you keep an open mind and simply consider this as an exciting experience, the tips below would surely come handy. So, basically shape yourself to be versatile and have something different in your portfolio.

You should be patient enough for the attendees to arrive even if that shall take two hours. An Indian wedding photographer is ever patient and besides, being in the area ahead of time can make you memorize where the best angles can come from. Thus, keep yourself busy and start knowing some of the preparation staff.

Expect to work in a team that you will only know about when you reach Mississauga, ON. Most clients will not want to insult you by getting photographers who know their culture more. So, simply be more social and their designated areas for you not to become an obstruction in their line of view.

Let them use those hot halogen lights while letting them become aware of this newer technology which came from your country. In that scenario, they will eventually warm up to you and that can be the start of your educational experience. Also, say nothing about the wishes of a bride to look like a white ghost in those pictures. Being fairer is everything that they dream about.

Midnight weddings can be very common in this culture. So, simply learn to adjust your body clock while you are in there. Change your sleeping pattern for a few days for you to remain sharp all throughout the event. If an Indian couple want to get married on the exact hour that their stars align, so be it.

People in this country tend to eat their dinner late. That is why it is important for you to eat grandly before the event. This can help keep your energy up and prevent you from venting out your hunger to the guests. Maintain your warm smile and this can turn out to be a very cultured experience for you.

Weddings in this country are in a constant motion of change. So, it is expected that the ceremony would only be done after two hours. Thus, make use of your extended patience again and get busy with capturing all the tiniest details. If you have always been curious about this culture, you could record a video of the recited sanskrit verses.

All the guests must be photographed individually. Indians love photos and the only way for you to be hired again in this country is to give in to all of their requests. Be accommodating even when there can be a language barrier among most of you.

The official couple picture should have no flaws. This image will be the centerpiece of their new home. So, take your time in editing this piece and show the raw files to the couple for their input.

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