The Benefits Of Engaging In Dialogue Facilitation

By William Green

What does the word dialogue mean to you. No doubt that this is a much overused and hackneyed term. Whatever the case, it is usually being categorized along the same lien as communication and interaction. It entails listening, understanding, being open minded, withholding judgment, and focusing on interest rather than speeding up solutions. Needless to say, all of these seem like a pie in the sky thinking. In the end, it all boils down to the result rather than the ways and the means. Learn about dialogue facilitation.

There are many facets to dialogue. In fact, it is among the most general terms of all the general nouns out there. It may involve communication, it may involve exchange, discussion, discourse, small talk. It may be heartfelt, or else cursory, it can be serious or light.

However, the dialogue that we are pertaining to here has to do more with the results than the ways and means. All you have to do is delve into its etymology. The etymological roots translate to a conversation of more than two parties, one that is characterized by genuine listening, openness, and honesty. It is all down on meaning.

Dialogue, therefore, when you delve on its essence, amounts to more than just debate and discussion. It is not so much about the contents of the discussion, but rather the dealings or relationship between the parties involved. A debate, in particular, is also particular about competitiveness and about the superiority of one opinion over the other. When talking about dialog, however, you are aiming to reach a common ground.

Really, that DOES sound like a pie in the sky thinking. However, that is where dialogue facilitators come in. Needless to say, theyve got a tough steak cut out for them, and they need all the strength and skills that theyve got to wangle with it.

Successful communication is indispensable, and by indispensable, we mean irreplaceable, when it comes to resolving social and political issues. All things that need understanding and explaining incorporate its elements to a considerable extent. From corporate meetings to community gatherings to United Nations committee meetings, it is something that never goes amiss.

Next, they should know how to formulate good questions. That will set the stage for the participants to open up and move towards each other. They should give prompts that would give way to discussions of everyones fears, needs, and interests. On a personal level, they must evince integrity. They must have an innate understanding of the group dynamics as well, and that involves zeroing down to the individual elements.

This does not involve the curbing of ones sentiments and feelings. People are still given free rein to express their sadness, anger, and resentments. This is also effective and expressive in conveying the sincerity and intensity of feelings, experiences, and beliefs. It is the reception of these that should be accurately managed and controlled.

This enterprise involves adherence to certain principles. Everyone should be ready to engage in conversation and REALLY listen and understand. Although sentiments are given free rein, everyone should take it upon themselves to renounce and stoke violence. Here are the principles of empathy, fair play, mutual support and the desire for reconciliation. Everyone must keep in mind both diversity and similarity. Although each individual is different from each other, they are all striving towards common values. Therefore, they should build trust and fair rules to ensure peaceful coexistence. In the end, they should be open to accepting apologies and recognizing their own mistakes.

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