4 Financially Successful Arcade Games, With Robert Jain

By Jason McDonald

Video games make considerable money these days, as Robert Jain and other minds in finance can attest. However, if you were to go back several decades, you would see that the most popular games thrived in arcades. While arcades still exist today to some degree, they were most popular during the 80s and 90s. Many arcade games made money as well, here are the 4 titles that stand head and shoulders above the rest.

NBA Jam - When it comes to sports games, few were as popular as NBA Jam, particularly in the 90s. This particular arcade game grabbed the attention of many gamers, and its presence across multiple platforms can't be understated. As far as arcades are concerned, though, it ended up selling 20,000 cabinets during its lifetime. This makes it an important financial landmark, as names such as Bob Jain can attest.

Street Fighter II - While it has numerous versions that are still played today, Street Fighter II remains a landmark in arcade gaming. First, it sold 200,000 cabinets, which makes it arguably the most popular fighting game for those with pockets of quarters. Second, it was one of the first games to use six buttons, which could be used to perform different moves and create various combos. The fact that this game remains a tournament favorite is a testament to its staying power.

Space Invaders - This classic game of shooting alien invaders that slowly descend to the bottom of the screen was a massive hit in the arcades. Space Invaders has the distinction of selling 360,000 cabinets. It is also known for being one of the first titles that kicked off what's seen as the golden age of arcades, where games were being released with greater technical capabilities than were previously seen at the time. In simplest terms. Space Invaders was a hit.

Pac-Man - Did you know that its sequel, Ms. Pac-Man, sold 125,000 cabinets? While this is a notable landmark, the original stands at 400,000 cabinets, making it the arcade game that ultimately made the most money. When this classic game debuted, no one saw anything like it. Their puzzle-solving abilities and quick minds were tested across numerous mazes. Pac-Man remains a staple of gaming history, which may be its greatest claim to fame.

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