The Work Carried Out By Cattle Breeders Australia

By Melissa Hughes

Breeding involves selection of animals with preferred traits to obtain much better offspring. Individuals consider traits such as resistance to pests and ability to withstand harsh weather as some of the preferred characteristics. The paragraphs that follow point out some of the duties of cattle breeders Australia.

Examine the animals on a daily basis. There is so much that can occur when the cattle are grazing and walking round in different fields. The problems range from a minor cut to different diseases. Owners should be able to tell whenever their cattle is looking off. If they pass watery stool regularly or have a runny nose, something must be done

Mark changes that are taking place during the life of each animal. It is interesting to watch the manner in which these animals grow through the different stages of life. Owners need to note their weight and food intake in relation to their age. The information written down may serve as pointers for how to treat the rest of the animals.

Carry out identification exercises. Ear tagging is among the popular methods. It involves the use of a metal or plastic tag to mark the cows. There is also branding which involves the use of a hot piece of iron to show that a particular individual owns the animal. This is not easy to as the pain will cause the animal to move a lot. The tattooing method is more or less the same.

Carry out insemination. The best way to do this is by monitoring the cycles of the heat of an animal. This is the best period to ensure to impregnate the animal. The breeder always makes use of clean tools. Hands should be clean before attempting this activity. A glove is always worn over the lower for this activity, as this part will have to be inserted into the cow.

Create a perfect environment for the calving animal. It should have enough space for it to move around. Other animals should not be in the same stall, as this will cause quite a disturbance. During this period, simple exercises will be necessary to help the heifer be fit. The breeder constantly monitors it until the birthing period nears.

Maintain the facilities every now and then to boost their living condition. The breeders often have many animals within their care. They have to clean up waste and food remains as often as possible. Leaving this behind can cause the cattle to become sickly. The feeding troughs need to be washed as the food remnants are thrown away if they cannot still be eaten.

Give the appropriate food to each one. They can be let out to graze within the compound. Certain foods can be provided to them. The meals should not be too much or too little. This is because food should be provided depending on the age of animals. Water should be part of their diet, because literally, water is life.

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