Occasions To Cover As A Freelance Writer Outdoor Events

By George Foster

Throughout the year, celebrations and special occasions are held in various cities and states across the country. Depending on where you live, the calendar might be full of activities to which the public is invited. As a freelance writer outdoor events can be especially exciting to cover. You can prepare your career now by knowing what occasions to head to in order to find the next breaking story.

Once the new year is underway, you might not have to wait very long for a major story to break. In fact, it could take place once the politicians from your area are being sworn in on the capitol or statehouse steps. The media are often invited to appear at these events so pictures can be taken and news can be reported to the public. You might get pictures of the politicians as well as their families, providing news that no other reporter in the area can take credit for after it is published.

Another event to which reporters are sometimes invited is a major sports tournament. Sports tournaments are held throughout the year but especially in the spring as schools finish up their competitive seasons. Track and field, soccer, tennis, and baseball are the sports that most schools participate in during the springtime.

They also might wish to learn about records that have been broken or new records that have been set. Like political stories, you might get photos and videos to attach to the stories you cover. You also could sell what you have recorded to local media that may not have been there.

Other events that captivate people are high society weddings. Particularly in the Deep South, high society weddings are big news during this time of the year. Well-connected families marry into each other and cause ripples in the social news scene. Your readers may want all of the details including where the weddings were held at and what kinds of menus were served at the reception and dinner.

When you are invited to a high society wedding, you might be tasked with finding out the families' names and connections to each other. You could then report how the marriage makes an impact in society and why others should take note of it. You can finish up the scoop by getting photos of the bride and groom together.

As the year winds down, many cities hold celebrations to mark the holidays. Nativity scenes are set up outside of churches and places of worship. These scenes are held alongside major celebrations like Christmas parades, winter carnivals, and food bazaars. They encourage the public to get out and have fun together with friends and neighbors. They also are noteworthy for those who attend as well as people who may no longer live in the area.

These events and more are all prime occasions for a freelance writer like you to find big news. You could be the only reporter at the outdoor event. Your readers might especially look for tidbits that are fascinating to them or have some connection to the area or their families. You also have the option of selling the news for money.

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