ELSD Applications In Forensic Science

By Kenneth Carter

For analyzing the particles in solvent earlier ultra violet rays were used through the process called chromatography. In order to know the proportion of each compound we have separate the particle from the liquid in the purest form. UV technology was unable to detect all the components due to which we were not able to find certain viruses in the body. ELSD installation provides accurate results for blood report.

Pharmaceutical is the preparation of drugs used for medicines. They go through proper safety testing before launching the product into the market. There are pharmaceutical companies that specializes in particular field of drugs. They distribute the medicines in wholesale to the local clinics and retailers for sales.

Life science is a very vast field of study. This is related with dead matter and living entity. It is used in the field if agriculture, genetics, human anatomy and toxicology. As we can see it is complete study of life. It involves physics, mathematics and biology. People who study this subject get jobs in pharmaceutical companies, hospital laboratories and forensic department.

Forensic science is the process of studying the evidences collected during criminal investigation or homicide. In other words it is the science of studying the dead. Ancient times since there was no forensic it helped criminal to escape from the punishment. Later after careful examination of the dead body through autopsy report highlighted my evidences like the time of death distinguishing between suicide and murder.

Narcotic department studies any chemical material that has a sleep inducing property. Earlier medicines were made for medical purposes but they had sedative property. For example morphine is a pain killer, however people started consuming for sedation and later started getting addicted to it. Some of the other expensive drugs were introduced like cocaine and heroin.

Drug mafias are the suppliers of this toxic substance in commercial market. Since it has caused many deaths the police in every country are keeping a close watch on it. The punishment for smuggling is very severe even up to death penalty. There are countless families which are destroyed due this the addiction. These gangs are armed with weapons.

Safety testing of drugs is very essential before launching in market. First the vaccine or the medicine for a diseases or virus is invented by scientists. Initially in the first phase they test this medicine in laboratory on cells. Once it passes the test it is administered to animal specimens. Post successful completion it is given to live human volunteer to check they are safe.

Chromatography is a process of separating the fine elements from a liquid or a gaseous material. First the mixture is put in a liquid which is called the mobile phase then it travels in a substance called the stationary phase. Based on the speed the elements are separated.

Nowadays due to chemicals and pesticides on to the food that we consume. It is necessary to check the amount of toxic chemical present in the item. Also periodical health checkup is recommended.

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