What Every Consumer Should Know About Friendly Bacteria

By Daniel Wallace

There are many factors that play a very important role in the maintenance of your overall health. Foremost among these, however, is one very surprising thing. This is the friendly bacteria that is found throughout all parts of your body. These helper organisms help keep other, harmful microorganisms in check. They are largely found throughout all portions of your digestive tract. If you do not have enough of these bacteria, your body will be unable to fight illness off.

You probably know a bit about these organisms if you have ever had to take antibiotics. These are medications that are known to kill off organisms indiscriminately. A broad-spectrum antibiotic will kill off both good and bad bacteria. As a result, you may find yourself struggling with secondary problems as the result of overusing these medications.

There are also many environmental toxins that can have this same effect. For instance, if you are using a number of pesticides, herbicides or other toxic chemicals in or around your home, they may be responsible for diminishing your stores of beneficial microorganisms. This can lead to digestive issues and many other problems likes fatigue, depression, and more.

Some of the latest and most innovative treatments for mental health issues are centered around restoring a good balance of friendly organisms within the digestive tract. The products that are used to this end are known as psychobiotics. With these, it is possible to treat common issues like anxiety and depression in a very safe and natural way.

A fecal transplant is a medical procedure that can be performed to alleviate digestive issues and a host of other disorders and problems. Donor feces is inserted into the lower intestines of the patient to boost his or her overall health. This can produce a range of improvements without the need for any invasive surgeries.

People are born with sterile digestive tracts. When they go through their mothers' birth canals, they begin to adopt the biomes of this parent. As such, they usually have the same gut biome that their mothers have. This is the natural passing of inherent immunity.

Psychobiotics are merely one branch of probiotics. Probiotics can be used to achieve internal, intestinal balance following a course of antibiotics or any other life event that has diminished the natural stores of beneficial bacteria. As time passes, the use of these products can allow for higher energy, improve digestion and better overall immunity among other things. Even certain animals can benefit from the use of probiotics. This is a great way to improve the vitality and health of a pet dog or cat that has been exposed to environmental contaminants or has used antibiotics.

People also have to account for the need for these organisms when choosing their methods of sanitizing their living environments. Countless studies have shown that killing off beneficial organisms inadvertently can be very detrimental to human health. Thus, although it is good to maintain a clean living environment, it is important to avoid overkill when using strong cleaning agents and other solutions that may have a negative impact on these supporting microorganisms.

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