You Make A Difference When You Purchase Rainforest Alliance Coffee

By Brenda Schmidt

The first thing on many people's agenda in the morning is a hot mug of coffee. Some are even willing to pay significant amounts of money for a big cup of designer brew. There is such a demand for this product that the industry is booming. There are non-profit organizations dedicated to ensuring that a fraction of the profits eventually fall into the hands of the farmers and laborers who harvest the crops. When you opt to purchase a bag of Rainforest Alliance coffee for instance, you are contributing to the efforts of these workers.

The Rainforest Alliance seal on a package of whole or ground beans means that the farms and farming cooperatives that harvested the product have met rigorous certification qualifications. There are specific economic, social, and environmental criteria restrictions. The organization works with the certified farmers to ensure workers are living and working under humane conditions regardless of gender.

At one time, many farmers abandoned the traditional methods of farming and began planting a hybrid seed that required the destruction of forests and chemicals to be successful. The alliance is working to return farmers to the traditional methods that protect natural resources and encourage wildlife habitation. They are teaching local communities about land and water conservation and protection. Reducing the carbon footprint is encouraged.

While coffee conglomerates and stockholders see significant increases in their net profits, many of the local farmers are still living in abject poverty. Some abandon this farming in favor of other crops that require clearing land and removing the natural forests. Education plays a key role here. When farmers learn how they can increase their profits by increasing their yields with modern techniques, many decide to return to traditional farming.

There is a direct relationship between agriculture and the effects of climate change. When the rainforests are decimated to make room for fields, greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere. The Rainbow Alliance teaches communities how to protect and use their natural resources instead of destroying them.

Lack of respect and understanding of the significance of forestation can often predict human rights violations. Workers are often subjected to violence, poverty, labor law violations, and disenfranchisement. Rainforest Alliance is working to change the routine displacement of workers and increase their economic security.

Individuals around the world can do simple things to help in this effort. Donations are welcome, but there are other ways to contribute. Consumers can choose to purchase beans that are certified with the official seal. They can frequent shops and restaurants that display the official rainforest frog. Tourists can book hotels and take tours through companies supporting the local communities. Encouraging local schools to educate students about the ecosystem and the importance of sustainable farming will have an impact.

Having a good cup of coffee is a habit for many and a real pleasure for those who enjoy it. How it is produced is important and should be considered when sipping. Every cup involves the environment, the economy, and the lives of the small communities that depend on the production.

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