A Must Read Ancient Greek History Book

By Larry Jackson

Brilliant ideas, facts, concepts among other things are usually printed in books. Over the years, books, regardless of its genre and composition, brought major interest and learning to many people. Be it adults or kids, people find it truly amazing and worthwhile to read and learn something.

Greeks have a rich culture and history which tremendously capture the attention of not only the professionals but even some book enthusiasts too. An ancient Greek history book has a lot to convey to us. Most books were also made from the great famous poets and authors. The stories also depict various genres from love, crime among any other. If you find yourself searching for this type of material, we have made some classics examples you might want to consider.

Sophocles, author of Oedipus Rex. Rex basically means a king. It was then that the story revolves around King Oedipus who will make two huge mistakes. One is to murder his father and the other one is to marry his mother. Sophocles focuses on mixing genres about tragedy, love and destiny. Should you desire something atypical, this could be a nice one to read.

Aristophanes, the Frogs. For comedy oriented individuals, this might be a nice piece. The story revolves around the main character, who is also at the same time a god, Dionysus. He travels to the land of the dead to bring Euripides, a playwright, back from the dead. Actually, such piece is often performed in certain Festivals during that time and still remains funny today.

Aristotle, author or Politics. Needless to say, this mostly talk about various political concepts. The center is about polis. In Greek terms and world, this consist of urban centers that have a control on the surrounding territory. Aristotle completely make explanations on theories, politics, different kinds of democracy, education of the state and many other things.

Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodius. Apparently, this is the last and perhaps the only surviving Hellenic epic. Argonautica talks about the voyage of the characters Argonauts and Jason to retrieve Golden Fleece. What makes this thing tremendously existing is the fact that this provide tons of exciting events and adventures perfect for anyone.

Histories by Herodotus. For history lovers and fanatics out there, this could be the perfect book for you. This holds a massive record of almost all things you want to know at that time, from geography, wars and so many more. It tells stories and facts about what happened during Greco Persian wars and the status of several Empires. Histories was written around the year 450 BC.

Homer work called as The Iliad and The Odyssey. Its believed to be two of the famous works. Although Homers existence remains a mystery, these two books he made have truly made us happy. Once you get to read them, you might find yourself hooked up with the story.

The Republic made by Plato. Such individual has carved a name in our history. His works have also reached international level. In desiring to purchase any book you desire, prepare your investments properly.

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