The Difference Between Self Improvement And Self Help Workbooks

By Sarah Peterson

When it comes to improving oneself and overcoming challenges, habits and obstacles in life, it generally takes a great deal of dedication. Whether using Self Help workbooks, self-help books or practices and principles such as the laws of attraction, one must also have a great deal of focus. As such, while some individuals can gain a great deal of assistance and insight from these books and practices, others may need to see a psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist to break through a number of barriers.

In most cases this type of book focuses on the intention of instructing the reader on how to solve personal problems. While there are a number books dedicated to one particular issue, there are also others which focus on the overall well being of the reader. In either case, the ultimate goal is to teach the reader how to overcome obstacles and challenges with regards to problem areas in everyday life.

The category comes from the title of a book by Samuel Smiles which was published in 1859. In that day, the books were more about improving all aspects of the self rather than being focused on a particular area. Whereas, later after having become quite popular in the twentieth century, the category and subtexts were changed to reflect public interest.

In the beginning, brochures and informal guidebooks instructed people on everyday behaviors which were acceptable. A good example of this type book is that of the "Codes of Conduct" of Ancient Egypt. In other parts of the world, it appears that many believe the Bible to actually have been the first book of this nature to exist in the world.

After a descent into darkness and despair during the depression and World War II, the books became quite popular with people looking for a way back to the light. As such, the books went through somewhat of a renaissance in the mid-50s to late 1970s. The books became quite popular during the pop-culture movement of the 1970s. After which, many psychology professors began using various titles as required texts for a number of classes in psychology and human development.

I'm Okay You're Okay and How To Win Friends And Influence People are only a small sampling of the books used as required texts at colleges and universities. In addition, the latter could often be found at office seminars and work retreats. As such, there were many whom believed these books could be a valuable resource while there were still others whom doubted the ability of a book to have such power over the human psyche.

Whether assisting an individual in overcoming a challenge or obstacle or being used as part of a class based discussion, the books are often well received. Although, there are still those whom believe the contents of the books are dangerous to the psyche.

Whether reading a book or working through a workbook, unless an individual reads each and every page and works through all assignments and problems, the books will most likely be of no use. Whereas, readers who read the text, work through the issues and reflect on how different ones related to the individual on a personal basis are often going to see at least some benefit as a result of doing so.

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